Much work has been done to bring compatibility with ASP applications
written in PerlScript under IIS. Most of that work revolved around
bringing a Win32::OLE Collection interface to many of the objects
in Apache::ASP, which are natively written as perl hashes.
New as of version 2.05 is new functionality enabled with the
CollectionItem setting, to giver better support to more recent PerlScript syntax.
This seems helpful when porting from an IIS/PerlScript code base.
Please see the CONFIG section for more info.
The following objects in Apache::ASP respond as Collections:
$Request->FileUpload *
$Request->FileUpload('upload_file') *
* FileUpload API Extensions
And as such may be used with the following syntax, as compared
with the Apache::ASP native calls. Please note the native Apache::ASP
interface is compatible with the deprecated PerlScript interface.
C = PerlScript Compatibility N = Native Apache::ASP
## Collection->Contents($name)
[C] $Application->Contents('XYZ')
[N] $Application->{XYZ}
## Collection->SetProperty($property, $name, $value)
[C] $Application->Contents->SetProperty('Item', 'XYZ', "Fred");
[N] $Application->{XYZ} = "Fred"
## Collection->GetProperty($property, $name)
[C] $Application->Contents->GetProperty('Item', 'XYZ')
[N] $Application->{XYZ}
## Collection->Item($name)
[C] print $Request->QueryString->Item('message'), "<br>\n\n";
[N] print $Request->{QueryString}{'message'}, "<br>\n\n";
## Working with Cookies
[C] $Response->SetProperty('Cookies', 'Testing', 'Extra');
[C] $Response->SetProperty('Cookies', 'Testing', {'Path' => '/'});
[C] print $Request->Cookies(Testing) . "<br>\n";
[N] $Response->{Cookies}{Testing} = {Value => Extra, Path => '/'};
[N] print $Request->{Cookies}{Testing} . "<br>\n";
Several incompatibilities exist between PerlScript and Apache::ASP:
> Collection->{Count} property has not been implemented.
> VBScript dates may not be used for Expires property of cookies.
> Win32::OLE::in may not be used. Use keys() to iterate over.
> The ->{Item} property does not work, use the ->Item() method.