$VERSION = 2.63; $DATE="03/14/2018"
+ works with Apache 2.4!
+ fixed $r->connection()->remote_ip() to use useragent_ip(), then client_ip() access for Apache 2.4
+ Added section ``raw'' to MailErrors.inc to debug POSTs without
form fields
- MailErrorsHTML now uses monospaced fonts for errors. Easier on
the eyes and more informative
- Added a clumsy regex to avoid header longer than 70 chars
- removed deprecated "Extra" module references from Makefile.PL and Bundle::Apache::ASP::Extra,
including Apache::Filter, Apache::SSI, Bundle::XML, XML::Sablotron, and Tie::TextDir
$VERSION = 2.62; $DATE="08/16/2011"
- Fixed 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' for AJAX POSTs post
Firefox 3.x
+ First sourceforge.net hosted version
+ Incremented version number to actually match SVN branch tag
$VERSION = 2.61; $DATE="05/24/2008"
- updated for more recent mod_perl 2 environment to trigger correct loading of modules
+ loads modules in a backwards compatible way for older versions of mod_perl 1.99_07 to 1.99_09
+ license changes from GPL to Perl Artistic License
$VERSION = 2.59; $DATE="05/23/2005"
+ added "use bytes" to Response object to calculate Content-Length
correctly for UTF8 data, which should require therefore at least
perl version 5.6 installed
+ updated to work with latest mod_perl 2.0 module naming convention,
thanks to Randy Kobes for patch
+ examples now exclude usage of Apache::Filter & Apache::SSI under mod_perl 2.0
$VERSION = 2.57; $DATE="01/29/2004"
- $Server->Transfer will update $0 correctly
- return 0 for mod_perl handler to work with latest mod_perl 2 release
when we were returning 200 ( HTTP_OK ) before
- fixed bug in $Server->URL when called like $Server->URL($url)
without parameters. Its not clear which perl versions this bug
$VERSION = 2.55; $DATE="08/09/2003"
- Bug fixes for running on standalone CGI mode on Win32 submitted
by Francesco Pasqualini
+ Added Apache::ASP::Request::BINMODE for binmode() being
called on STDIN after STDIN is tied to $Request object
+ New RequestBinaryRead configuration created, may be turned off
to prevent $Request object from reading POST data
++ mod_perl 2 optmizations, there was a large code impact on this,
as much code was restructured to reduce the differences between
mod_perl 1 and mod_perl 2, most importantly, Apache::compat is
no longer used
+ preloaded CGI for file uploads in the mod_perl environment
- When XSLT config is set, $Response->Redirect() should work now
Thanks to Marcus Zoller for pointing problem out
+ Added CookieDomain setting, documented, and added test to cover
it in t/cookies.t . Setting suggested by Uwe Riehm, who nicely
submitted some code for this.
$VERSION = 2.53; $DATE="04/10/2003"
+ XMLSubs tags with "-" in them will have "-" replaced with "_" or underscore, so a
tag like <my:render-table /> will be translated to &my::render_table() ... tags with
- in them are common in extended XML syntaxes, but perl subs cannot have - in them only.
+ Clean setting now works on output when $Response->{ContentType} begins with text/html;
like "text/html; charset=iso-8859-2" ... before Clean would only work on output marked
with ContentType text/html. Thanks to Szymon Juraszczyk for recommending fix.
--Fixed a bug which would cause Session_OnEnd to be called twice on sessions in a certain case,
particularly when an old expired session gets reused by and web browser... this bug was
a result of a incomplete session cleanup method in this case. Thanks to Oleg Kobyakovskiy
for reporting this bug. Added test in t/session_events.t to cover this problem going forward.
- Compile errors from Apache::ASP->Loader() were not being reported. They will
be reported again now. Thanks to Thanos Chatziathanassiou for discovering and
documenting this bug. Added test in t/load.t to cover this problem going forward.
+ use of chr(hex($1)) to decode URI encoded parameters instead of pack("c",hex($1))
faster & more correct, thanks to Nikolay Melekhin for pointing out this need.
(d) Added old perlmonth.com articles to ./site/articles in distribution
and linked to them from the docs RESOURCES section
(d) Updated documention for the $Application->SessionCount API
+ Scripts with named subroutines, which is warned against in the style guide,
will not be cached to help prevent my closure problems that often
hurt new developers working in mod_perl environments. The downside
is that these script will have a performance penalty having to be
recompiled each invocation, but this will kill many closure caching
bugs that are hard to detect.
- $Request->FileUpload('upload_file', 'BrowserFile') would return
a glob before that would be the file name in scalar form. However
this would be interpreted as a reference incorrectly. The fix
is to make sure this is always a scalar by stringifying
this data internally. Thanks to Richard Curtis for pointing
out this bug.
$VERSION = 2.51; $DATE="02/10/2003"
+ added t/session_query_parse.t test to cover use of SessionQueryParse
and $Server->URL APIs
- Fixed duplicate "&" bug associated with using $Server->URL
and SessionQueryParse together
+ Patch to allow $Server->URL() to be called multiple times on the same URL
as in $Server->URL($Server->URL($url, \%params), \%more_params)
(d) Added new testimonials & sites & created a separate testimonials page.
- SessionQueryParse will now add to & to the query strings
embedded in the HTML, instead of & for proper HTML generation.
Thanks to Peter Galbavy for pointing out and Thanos Chatziathanassiou
for suggesting the fix.
- $Response->{ContentType} set to text/html for developer error reporting,
in case this was set to something else before the error occured.
Thanks to Philip Mak for reporting.
- Couple of minor bug fixes under PerlWarn use, thanks Peter Galbavy
for reporting.
+ Added automatic load of "use Apache2" for compat with mod_perl2
request objects when Apache::ASP is loaded via "PerlModule Apache::ASP"
Thanks to Richard Curtis for reporting bug & subsequent testing.
- When GlobalPackage config changes, but global.asa has not, global.asa
will be recompiled anyway to update the GlobalPackage correctly.
Changing GlobalPackage before would cause errors if global.asa was
already compiled.
++ For ANY PerlSetVar type config, OFF/Off/off will be assumed
to have value of 0 for that setting. Before, only a couple settings
had this semantics, but they all do now for consistency.
- Fix for InodeNames config on OpenBSD, or any OS that might have
a device # of 0 for the file being stat()'d, thanks to Peter Galbavy
for bug report.
++ Total XSLT speedups, 5-10% on large XSLT, 10-15% on small XSLT
+ bypass meta data check like expires for XSLT Cache() API use
because XSLT tranformations don't expire, saves hit to cache dbm
for meta data
+ use of direct Apache::ASP::State methods like FETCH/STORE
in Cache() layer so we don't have to go through slower tied interface.
This will speed up XSLT & and include output caching mostly.
+ minor optimizations for speed & memory usage
$VERSION = 2.49; $DATE="11/10/2002"
-- bug introduced in 2.47 cached script compilations for executing
scripts ( not includes ) of the same name in different directories
for the same Global/GlobalPackage config for an application.
Fix was to remove optimization that caused problem, and
created test case t/same_name.t to cover bug.
$VERSION = 2.47; $DATE="11/06/2002"
++ Runtime speed enhancements for 15-20% improvement including:
+ INTERNAL API ReadFile() now returns scalar ref as memory optimization
+ cache InodeNames config setting in ASP object now for common lookups
+ removed CompileChecksum() INTERNAL API, since it was an unnecesary
method decomposition along a common code path
+ removed IsChanged() INTERNAL API since compiling of scripts
is now handled by CompileInclude() which does this functionality already
+ removed unnecessary decomp of IncludesChanged() INTERNAL API, which was along
critical code path
+ do not call INTERNAL SearchDirs() API when compiling base script
since we have already validated its path earlier
+ Use stat(_) type shortcut for stat() & -X calls where possible
+ Moved @INC initilization up to handler() & consolidated with $INCDir lib
+ removed useless Apache::ASP::Collection::DESTROY
+ removed useless Apache::ASP::Server::DESTROY
+ removed useless Apache::ASP::GlobalASA::DESTROY
+ removed useless Apache::ASP::Response::DESTROY
- Default path for $Response->{Cookies} was from CookiePath
config, but this was incorrect as CookiePath config is only
for $Session cookie, so now path for $Response->{Cookies}
defaults to /
- Fixed bug where global.asa events would get undefined with
StatINC and GlobalPackage set when the GlobalPackage library
changed & get reloaded.
(d) Documented long time config NoCache.
-- Fixed use with Apache::Filter, capable as both source
and destination filter. Added ./site/eg/filter.filter example
to demonstrate these abilities.
+ Use $r->err_headers_out->add Apache::Table API for cookies
now instead of $r->cgi_header_out. Added t/cookies.t test to
cover new code path as well as general $Response->Cookies API.
Also make cookies headers sorted by cookie and dictionary key
while building headers for repeatable behavior, this latter was
to facilitate testing.
- fixed $Server->Mail error_log output when failing to connect
to SMTP server.
+ added tests to cover UniquePackages & NoCache configs since this
config logic was updated
+ made deprecated warnings for use of certain $Response->Member
calls more loudly write to error_log, so I can remove the AUTOLOAD
for Response one day
- Probably fixed behavior in CgiHeaders, at least under perl 5.8.0, and
added t/cgi_headers.t to cover this config.
+ removed $Apache::ASP::CompressGzip setting ability, used to possibly
set CompressGzip in the module before, not documented anyway
+ removed $Apache::ASP::Filter setting ability to set Filter globally,
not documented anyway
+ removed old work around for setting ServerStarting to 0
at runtime, which was bad for Apache::DBI on win32 a long
time ago:
$Apache::ServerStarting and $Apache::ServerStarting = 0;
If this code is still needed in Apache::ASP->handler() let
me know.
+ check to make sure data in internal database is a HASH ref
before using it for session garbage collection. This is to
help prevent against internal database corruption in a
network share that does not support flock() file locking.
+ For new XMLSubs ASP type <%= %> argument interpolation
activated with XMLSubsPerlArgs 0, data references can now
be passed in addition to SCALAR/string references, so one
can pass an object reference like so:
<my:tag value="<%= $Object %>" />
This will only work as long as the variable interpolation <%= %>
are flushed against the containing " " or ' ', or else the object
reference will be stringified when it is concatenated with
the rest of the data.
Testing for this feature was added to ./t/xmlsubs_aspargs.t
This feature is still experimental, and its interface may change.
However it is slated for the 3.0 release as default method,
so feedback is appreciated.
+ For new XMLSubs ASP type <%= %> argument interpolation
activated with XMLSubsPerlArgs 0, <% %> will no longer work,
just <%= %>, as in
<my:tag value="some value <%= $value %> more data" />
This feature is still experimental, and its interface may change.
However it is slated for the 3.0 release as default method,
so feedback is appreciated.
$VERSION = 2.45; $DATE="10/13/2002"
++New XMLSubsPerlArgs config, default 1, indicates how
XMLSubs arguments have always been parsed. If set to 0,
will enable new XMLSubs args that are more ASP like with
<%= %> for dynamic interpolation, such as:
<my:xmlsub arg="<%= $data %>" arg2="text <%= $data2 %>" />
Settings XMLSubsPerlArgs to 0 is experimental for now, but
will become the default by Apache::ASP version 3.0
++Optimization for static HTML/XML files that are served up
via Apache::ASP so that they are not compiled into perl subroutines
first. This makes especially native XSLT both faster & take
less memory to serve, before XSL & XML files being transformed
by XSLT would both be compiled as normal ASP script first, so
now this will happen if they really are ASP scripts with embedded
<% %> code blocks & XMLSubs being executed.
+Consolidate some config data for Apache::ASP->Loader to use
globals in @Apache::ASP::CompileChecksumKeys to know which
config data is important for precompiling ASP scripts.
+Further streamlined code compilation. Now both base
scripts and includes use the internal CompileInclude() API
to generate code.
-Fixed runtime HTML error output when Debug is set to -2/2,
so that script correctly again gets rendered in final perl form.
Added compile time error output to ./site/eg/syntax_error.asp
when a special link is clicked for a quick visual test.
-Cleaned up some bad coding practices in ./site/eg/global.asa
associated changes in other example files. Comment example
global.asa some for the first time reader
-DemoASP.pm examples module needed "use strict" fix, thanks
to Allan Vest for bug report
--$rv = $Response->Include({ File => ..., Cache => 1});
now works to get the first returned value fetched from
the cache. Before, because a list was always returned,
$rv would have been equal to the number of items returned,
even if the return value list has just one element.
(d) added site/robots.txt file with just a comment for
search engine indexing
-fixed ./site/eg/binary_write.htm to not use
$Response->{ContentLength} because it does not exist.
Fixed it to use $Response->AddHeader now instead
$VERSION = 2.41; $DATE="09/29/2002"
-Removed CVS Revision tag from Apache::ASP::Date, which
was causing bad revision numbers in CPAN after CVS integration
of Apache::ASP
+removed cgi/asp link to ../asp-perl from distribution. This
link was for the deprecated asp script which is now asp-perl
$VERSION = 2.39; $DATE="09/10/2002"
-Turn off $^W explicitly before reloading global.asa. Reloading
global.asa when $^W is set will trigger subroutine redefinition
warnings. Reloading global.asa should occur without any problems
under normal usage of the system, thus this work around.
This fix is important to UseStrict functionality because warnings
automatically become thrown as die() errors with UseStrict enabled,
so we have to disable normal soft warnings here.
-$Response->Include() runtime errors now throw a die() that
can be trapped. This was old functionality that has been restored.
Other compile time errors should still trigger a hard error
like script compilation, global.asa, or $Response->Include()
without an eval()
+Some better error handling with Debug 3 or -3 set, cleaned
up developer errors messages somewhat.
$VERSION = 2.37; $DATE="07/03/2002"
-Fixed the testing directory structures for t/long_names.t
so that tar software like Archive::Tar & Solaris tar that
have problems with long file names will still be able
to untar distribution successfully. Now t/long_names.t
generates its testing directory structures at runtime.
-Fixes for "make test" to work under perl 5.8.0 RC2,
courtesy of Manabu Higashida
+SessionQueryForce setting created for disabling use of cookies
for $Session session-id passing, rather requiring use of SessionQuery*
functionality for session-id passing via URL query string.
By default, even when SessionQuery* options are used, cookies will
be used if available with SessionQuery* functionality acting only
as a backup, so this makes it so that cookies will never be used.
+Escape ' with HTMLEncode() to '
-Trying to fix t/server_mail.t to work better for platforms
that it should skip testing on. Updated t/server.t test case.
+Remove exit() from Makefile.PL so CPAN.pm's automatic
follow prereq mechanism works correctly. Thanks to Slaven Rezic
for pointing this out.
+Added Apache::compat loading in mod_perl environment for better
mod_perl 2.0 support.
$VERSION = 2.35; $DATE="05/30/2002"
+Destroy better $Server & $Response objects so that my
closure references to these to not attempt to work in the future
against invalid internal data. There was enough data left in these
old objects to make debugging the my closure problem confusing, where
it looked like the ASP object state became invalid.
+Added system debug diagnostics to inspect StateManager group cleanup
(d) Documentation update about flock() work around for
Win95/Win98/WinMe systems, confirmed by Rex Arul
(d) Documentation/site build bug found by Mitsunobu Ozato,
where <% %> not being escaped correctly with $Server->HTMLEncode().
New japanese documentation project started by him
at http://sourceforge.jp/projects/apache-asp-jp/
-InitPackageGlobals() called after new Apache::ASP object created so
core system templates can be compiled even when there was a runtime
compilation error of user templates. Bug fix needed pointed out by
Eamon Daly
$VERSION = 2.33; $DATE="04/29/2002"
- fixed up t/server_mail.t test to skip if a sendmail server
is not available on localhost. We only want the test to run
if there is a server to test against.
+ removed cgi/asp script, just a symlink now to the ./asp-perl script
which in this way deprecates it. I had it hard linked, but the
distribution did not untar very well on win32 platform.
+ Reordered the modules in Bundle::Apache::ASP for a cleaner install.
- Fixed bug where XMLSubs where removing <?xml version ... ?> tag
when it was needed in XSLT mode.
+ $Server->Mail({ CC => '...', BCC => '...' }), now works to send
CC & BCC headers/recipients.
+ Removed $Apache::ASP::Register definition which defined the current
executing Apache::ASP object. Only one part of the application was
using it, and this has been fixed. This would have been an unsafe
use of globals for a threaded environment.
+ Decreased latency when doing Application_OnStart, used to sleep(1)
for CleanupMaster sync, but this is not necessary for Application_OnStart
+ Restructure code / core templates for MailErrorsTo funcationality.
Wrote test mail_error.t to cover this. $ENV{REMOTE_USER} will now
be displayed in the MailErrorsTo message when defined from 401 basic auth.
+ $Server->RegisterCleanup should be thread safe now, as it no longer relies
on access to @Apache::ASP::Cleanup for storing the CODE ref stack.
+ test t/inode_names.t for InodeNames and other file tests covering case
of long file names.
- Fixed long file name sub identifier bug. Added test t/long_names.t.
+ CacheDir may now be set independently of StateDir. It used to default
to StateDir if it was set.
++ Decomposition of modules like Apache::ASP::Session & Apache::ASP::Application
out of ASP.pm file. This should make the source more developer friendly.
This selective code compilation also speeds up CGI requests that do not
need to load unneeded modules like Apache::ASP::Session, by about 50%,
so where CGI mode ran at about 2.1 hits/sec before, now for
light requests that do not load $Session & $Application, requests
run at 3.4 hits/sec, this is on a dual PIII-450 linux 2.4.x
- Caching like for XSLTCache now works in CGI mode.
This was a bug that it did not before.
+ $Server->File() API added, acts as a wrapper around
Apache->request->filename Added test in t/server.t
New $PERLLIB/Apache/ASP/Share/ directory created to
hold system & user contributed components, which will be found
on the $Server->MapInclude() path, which helps $Response->Include
search '.',Global,IncludesDir, and now Apache::ASP::Share for
includes to load at runtime.
The syntax for loading a shared include is to prefix the file
name with Share:: as in:
New test to cover this at t/share.t
This feature is experimental. The naming convention may change
and the feature may disappear altogether, so only use if you
are interesting in experimenting with this feature & will
provide feedback about how it works.
+ asp-perl script now uses ./asp.conf instead of ./asp.config
for runtime configuration via %Config defined there. Update docs
for running in standalone CGI mode
+ Make use of MANFEST.SKIP to not publish the dev/* files anymore.
- Script_OnEnd guaranteed to run after $Response->End, but
it will not run if there was an error earlier in the request.
+ lots of new test cases covering behaviour of $Response->End
and $Response->Redirect under various conditions like XMLSubs
and SoftRedirect and global.asa Script_OnStart
+ asp-perl will be installed into the bin executables when
Apache::ASP is installed. asp-perl is the command line version
of Apache::ASP that can also be used to run script in CGI mode.
Test case covering asp-perl functionality.
+ asp CGI/command line script now called asp-perl. I picked this
name because Apache::ASP often has the name asp-perl in distributions
of the module.
+ Apache::ASP::CGI::Test class now subclass of Apache::ASP::CGI. To facilitate
this Apache::ASP::CGI::init() now called OO like Apache::ASP::CGI->init()
Fixed up places where the old style was called. New Test class allows
a dummy Apache request object to be built which caches header & body output
for later inspection instead of writing it to STDOUT.
- $Response->Redirect() under SoftRedirect 1 will not first Clear() buffer
- $Response->Redirect() in an XMLSubs will work now ... behavior
of $Response->Flush() being turned off in an XMLSubs was interfering with this.
+ srand() init tracking done better, thanks for patch from Ime Smits
+ Added file/directory being used for precompilation in
Apache::ASP->Loader($file, ...) to output like:
[Mon Feb 04 20:19:22 2002] [error] [asp] 4215 (re)compiled 22 scripts
of 22 loaded for $file
This is so that when precompiling multiple web sites
each with different directories, one can easier see the
compile output relevant to the Loader() command being run.
+ better decomp of Apache::ASP site build files at ./build/* files,
which is good should anyone look at it for ideas.
+ improved test suite to error when unintended output results from
t/*.t test scripts.
- () now supported in XMLSubsMatch config, added xmlsubsmatch.t test...
specifically a config like
PerlSetVar (aaa|bbb):\w+
should now work. Thanks for bug report from David Kulp.
+ Added an early srand() for better $ServerID creation
+ Work around for DSO problems where $r is not always correctly
defined in Apache::ASP::handler(). Thanks to Tom Lear for patch.
$VERSION = 2.31; $DATE="01/22/2002";
+ $Server->MapInclude() API extension created to wrap up Apache::ASP::SearchDirs
functionality so one may do an conditional check for an include existence befor
executing $Response->Include(). Added API test to server.t
+ $Server->Transfer() now allows arguments like $Response->Include(), and now acts just
as a wrapper for:
$Response->Include($file, @args);
added test case at t/server_transfer.t
+ Removed dependency of StatINC functionality on Apache::Symbol. Apache::Symbol
is no longer required. Added test of t/stat_inc.t for correct StatINC initialization
for platforms where Devel::Symdump is present.
+ Better error message when $Request->Params has not been defined with RequestParams
config & it gets used in script. Added test case as t/request_params_none.t
+ Directories cannot now be included as scripts via $Response->Include(), added
test case to t/include.t
- No longer make $Response->Flush dependent on $Response->IsClientConnected() to
be true to write output to client. There have been spurious errors reported
about the new ( >= 2.25 ) IsClientConnected code, and this will limit the impact
of that functionality possibly not working still to those users explicitly using
that API.
+ $Response->AddHeader($header_name, $value) now will set $Response members
for these headers: Content-Type, Cache-Control, Expires. This is to avoid
both the application & Apache::ASP sending out duplicate headers. Added
test cases for this to t/response.t
+ split up Bundle::Apache::ASP into that, and Bundle::Apache::ASP::Extra
the former with just the required modules to run, and the latter
for extra functionality in Apache::ASP
+ new $Request->{Method} member to return $r->method of GET or POST that
client browser is requesting, added t/request.t sub test to cover this member.
$VERSION = 2.29; $DATE="11/19/2001";
+Added some extra help text to the ./cgi/asp --help message
to clarify how to pass arguments to a script from the command line.
+When using $Server->Mail() API, if Content-Type header is set,
and MIME-Version is not, then a "MIME-Version: 1.0" header will be sent
for the email. This is correct according to RFC 1521 which specifies
for the first time the Content-Type: header for email documents.
Thanks to Philip Mak for pointing out this correct behavior.
+Made dependent on MLDBM::Sync version .25 to pass the taint_check.t test
+Improved server_mail.t test to work with mail servers were relaying is denied
+Added <html><body> tags to MailErrorsTo email
--Fixed SessionCount / Session_OnEnd bug, where these things were not
working for $Sessions that never had anything written to them.
This bug was introduced in 2.23/2.25 release.
There was an optimization in 2.23/2.25 where a $Session that was never
used does not write its state lock file & dbm files to disk, only if
it gets written too like $Session->{MARK}++. Tracking of these NULL $Sessions
then is handled solely in the internal database. For $Session garbage
collection though which would fire Session_OnEnd events and update
SessionCount, the Apache::ASP::State->GroupMembers() function was just
looking for state files on disk ... now it looks in the internal database
too for SessionID records for garbage collection.
Added a test at ./t/session_events.t for these things.
+Some optimizations for $Session API use.
+Added support for XSLT via XML::LibXSLT, patch courtesy of Michael Buschauer
-Got rid of an warning when recompiling changing includes under perl 5.6.1...
undef($code) method did not work for this perl version, rather undef(&$code) does.
Stopped using using Apache::Symbol for this when available.
-Make Apache::ASP script run under perl taint checking -T for perl 5.6.1...
$code =~ tr///; does not work to untaint here, so much use the slower:
$code =~ /^(.*)$/s; $code = $1; method to untaint.
-Check for inline includes changing, included in a dynamic included
loaded at runtime via $Response->Include(). Added test case for
this at t/include_change.t. If an inline include of a dynamic include
changes, the dynamic include should get recompiled now.
-Make OK to use again with PerlTaintCheck On, with MLDBM::Sync 2.25.
Fixed in ASP.pm, t/global.asa, and created new t/taint_check.t test script
+Load more modules when Apache::ASP is loaded so parent will share more
with children httpd:
+When FileUploadMax bytes is exceeded for a file upload, there will not
be an odd error anymore resulting from $CGI::POST_MAX being triggered,
instead the file upload input will simply be ignored via $CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS.
This gives the developer the opportunity to tell the user the the file upload
was too big, as demonstrated by the ./site/eg/file_upload.asp example.
To not let the web client POST a lot of data to your scripts as a form
of a denial of service attack use the apache config LimitRequestBody for the
max limits. You can think of PerlSetVar FileUploadMax as a soft limit, and
apache's LimitRequestBody as a hard limit.
--Under certain circumstances with file upload, it seems that IsClientConnected()
would return an aborted client value from $r->connection->aborted, so
the buffer output data would not be flushed to the client, and
the HTML page would return to the browser empty. This would be under
normal file upload use. One work-around was to make sure to initialize
the $Request object before $Response->IsClientConnected is called,
then $r->connection->aborted returns the right value.
This problem was probably introduced with IsClientConnected() code changes
starting in the 2.25 release.
$VERSION = 2.27; $DATE="10/31/2001";
+ Wrapped call to $r->connection->fileno in eval {} so to
preserve backwards compatibility with older mod_perl versions
that do not have this method defined. Thanks to Helmut Zeilinger
for catching this.
+ removed ./dev directory from distribution, useless clutter
+ Removed dependency on HTTP::Date by taking code into
Apache::ASP as Apache::ASP::Date. This relieves
the dependency of Apache::ASP on libwww LWP libraries.
If you were using HTTP::Date functions before without loading
"use HTTP::Date;" on your own, you will have to do this now.
+ Streamlined code execution. Especially worked on
$Response->IsClientConnected which gets called during
a normal request execution, and got rid of IO::Select
dependency. Some function style calls instead of OO style
calls where private functions were being invokes that one
would not need to override.
- Fixed possible bug when flushing a data buffer where there
is just a '0' in it.
+ Updated docs to note that StateCache config was deprecated
as of 2.23. Removed remaining code that referenced the config.
+ Removed references to unused OrderCollections code.
- Better Cache meta key, lower chance of collision with
unrelated data since its using the full MD5 keyspace now
+ Optimized some debugging statements that resulted
from recent development.
+ Tie::TextDir .04 and above is supported for StateDB
and CacheDB settings with MLDBM::Sync .21. This is good for
CacheDB where output is larger and there are not many
versions to cache, like for XSLTCache, where the site is
mostly static.
+ Better RESOURCES section to web site, especially with adding
some links to past Apache::ASP articles & presentations.
$VERSION = 2.25; $DATE="10/11/2001";
+ Improved ./site/apps/search application, for better
search results at Apache::ASP site. Also, reengineered
application better, with more perl code moved to global.asa.
Make use of MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File, where search database
before was engineering around SDBM_File's shortcomings.
- Fix for SessionSerialize config, which broke in 2.23
Also, added t/session_serialize.t to test suite to catch
this problem in the future.
$VERSION = 2.23; $DATE="10/11/2001";
+Make sure a couple other small standard modules get loaded
upon "PerlModule Apache::ASP", like Time::HiRes, Class::Struct,
and MLDBM::Serializer::Data::Dumper. If not available
these modules won't cause errors, but will promote child httpd
RAM sharing if they are.
-XMLSubs args parsing fix so an arg like z-index
does not error under UseStrict. This is OK now:
<my:layer z-index=3 top=0 left=0> HTML </my:layer>
-Only remove outermost <SCRIPT> tags from global.asa
for IIS/PerlScript compatibility. Used to remove
all <SCRIPT> tags, which hurt when some subs in globa.asa
would be printing some JavaScript.
+$Response->{IsClientConnected} now updated correctly
before global.asa Script_OnStart. $Response->IsClientConnect()
can be used for accurate accounting, while
$Response->{IsClientConnected} only gets updated
after $Response->Flush(). Added test cases to response.t
+$Server->HTMLEncode(\$data) API extension, now can take
scalar ref, which can give a 5% improvement in benchmarks
for data 100K in size.
-Access to $Application is locked when Application_OnEnd &
Application_OnStart is called, creating a critical section
for use of $Application
++MLDBM::Sync used now for core DBM support in Apache::ASP::State.
This drastically simplifies/stabilizes the code in there
and will make it easier for future SQL database plugins.
+New API for accessing ASP object information in non content
handler phases:
use Apache::ASP;
sub My::Auth::handler {
my $r = shift;
my $ASP = Apache::ASP->new($r)
my $Session = $ASP->Session;
In the above example, $Session would be the same $Session
object created later while running the ASP script for this
same request.
Added t/asp_object.t test for this. Fixed global.asa to only
init StateDir when application.asp starts which is the first
test script to run.
-Fixed on Win32 to make Apache::ASP->new($r) able to create
multiple master ASP objects per request. Was not reentrant
safe before, particularly with state locking for dbms like
$Application & $Session.
++Output caching for includes, built on same layer ( extended )
as XSLTCache, test suite at t/cache.t. Enabled with special
arguments to
$Response->Include(\%args, @include_args)
$Response->TrapInclude(\%args, @include_args)
$Server->Execute(\%args, @include_args)
where %args = (
File => 'file.inc',
Cache => 1, # to activate cache layer
Expires => 3600, # to expire in one hour
LastModified => time() - 600, # to expire if cached before 10 minutes ago
Key => $Request->Form, # to cache based on checksum of serialized form data,
Clear => 1, # to not allow fetch from cache this time, will always execute include
Like the XSLTCache, it uses MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File
by default, but can use DB_File or GDBM_File if
CacheDB is set to these.
See t/cache.t for API support until this is documented.
+CacheSize now supports units of M, K, B like
CacheSize 10M
CacheSize 10240K
CacheSize 10000000B
CacheSize 10000000
-Better handling of $Session->Abandon() so multiple
request to the same session while its being destroyed
will have the right effect.
+Optimized XMLSubs parsing. Scripts with lots lof XMLSubs
now parse faster for the first time. One test script with
almost 200 such tags went from a parse time of around 3 seconds
to .7 seconds after optimizations.
+Updated performance tuning docs, particularly for using
+$Server->URL($url, \%params) now handles array refs
in the params values like
$Server->URL($url, { key => [ qw( value1 value2 ) ] })
This is so that query string data found in
$Request->QueryString that gets parsed into this form
from a string like: ?key=value&key=value2 would be
able to be reused passed back to $Server->URL to
create self referencing URLs more easily.
-Bug fix where XMLSubs like <s:td /> now works on perl
5.005xx, thanks to Philip Mak for reporting & fix.
+When searching for included files, will now join
the absolute path of the directory of the script
with the name of the file if its a relative file
name like ./header.inc. Before, would just look
for something like ././header.inc by using '.'
as the first directory to look for includes in.
The result of this is that scripts in two directories
configured with the same Global setting should be able
to have separate local header.inc files without causing
a cached namespace collision.
+$Server->Config() call will return a hash ref
to all the config setting for that request, like
Apache->dir_config would.
-StatINC setting with Apache::ASP->Loader() works again.
This makes StatINC & StatINCMatch settings viable
for production & development use when the system has
very many modules.
-Cookieless session support with configs like SessionQueryParse
and SessionQuery now work for URLs with frags in them
like http://localhost?arg=value#frag
+@rv = $Response->Include() now works where there are
multiple return values from an include like:
<% return(1,2); %>
$VERSION = 2.21; $DATE="8/5/2001";
+Documented RequestParams config in CONFIG misc section.
+Documented new XSLT caching directives.
+Updated ./site/eg/.htaccess XSLT example config
to use XSLTCache setting.
+New FAQ section on why perl variables are sticky globals,
suggested by Mark Seger.
-push Global directory onto @INC during ASP script execution
Protect contents of original @INC with local. This makes
things compatible with .09 Apache::ASP where we always had
Global in @INC. Fixed needed by Henrik Tougaard
- ; is a valid separator like & for QueryString Parameters
Fixed wanted by Anders
-XSMLSubsMatch doc fix in CONFIG section
+Reduces number of Session groups to 16 from 32, so
session manager for small user sets will be that much faster.
+optimizations for internal database, $Application, and $Session
+XSLTCache must be set for XSLT caching to begin using CacheDir
+CacheDB like StateDB bug sets dbm format for caching, which
defaults to MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File, which works well for caching
output sizes < 50K
+CacheDir config for XSLT caching ... defaults to StateDir
+CacheSize in bytes determines whether the caches in CacheDir
are deleted at the end of the request. A cache will be
reset in this way back to 0 bytes. Defaults to 10000000 bytes
or about 10M.
+Caching infrastructure work that is being used in XSLT
can be leveraged later for output caching of includes,
or arbitrary user caching.
-t/server_mail.t test now uses valid email for testing
purposes ... doesn't actually send a mail, but for SMTP
runtime validation purposes it should be OK.
+fixed where POST data was read from under MOD_PERL,
harmless bug this was that just generated the wrong
system debugging message.
$VERSION = 2.19; $DATE="7/10/2001";
+update docs in various parts
+added ./make_httpd/build_httpds.sh scripts for quick builds
of apache + mod_perl + mod_ssl
++plain CGI mode available for ASP execution.
cgi/asp script can now be used to execute ASP
scripts in CGI mode. See CGI perldoc section for more info.
The examples in ./site/eg have been set up to run
in cgi mode if desired. Configuration in CGI section
only tested for Apache on Linux.
-Fixed some faulty or out of date docs in XML/XSLT section.
+added t/server_mail.t test for $Server->Mail(), requires
Net::SMTP to be configured properly to succeed.
+Net::SMTP debugging not enabled by Debug 1,2,3 configs,
not only when system debugging is set with Debug -1,-2,-3
However, a Debug param passed to $Server->Mail() will
sucessfully override the Debug -1,-2,-3 setting even
when its Debug => 0
-Check for undef values during stats for inline includes
so we don't trigger unintialized warnings
+Documented ';' may separate many directories in the IncludesDir
setting for creating a more flexible includes search path.
$VERSION = 2.17; $DATE="6/17/2001";
+Added ASP perl mmm-mode subclass and configuration
in editors/mmm-asp-perl.el file for better emacs support.
Updated SYNTAX/Editors documentation.
+Better debugging error message for Debug 2 or 3 settings
for global.asa errors. Limit debug output for lines
preceding rendered script.
-In old inline include mode, there should no longer
be the error "need id for includes" when using
$Response->Include() ... if DynamicIncludes were
enabled, this problem would not have likely occured
anyway. DynamicIncludes are preferrable to use so
that compiled includes can be shared between scripts.
This bug was likely introduced in version 2.11.
-Removed logging from $Response->BinaryWrite() in regular
debug mode 1 or 2. Logging still enabled in system Debug mode, -1 or -2
-Removed other extra system debugging call that is really not
$VERSION = 2.15; $DATE="06/12/2001";
-Fix for running under perl 5.6.1 by removing parser optimization
introduced in 2.11.
-Now file upload forms, forms with ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"
can have multiple check boxes and select items marked for
@params = $Request->Form('param_name') functionality. This
will be demonstrated via the ./site/eg/file_upload.asp example.
$VERSION = 2.11; $DATE="05/29/2001";
+Parser optimization from Dariusz Pietrzak
-work around for global destruction error message for perl 5.6
during install
+$Response->{IsClientConnected} now will be set
correctly with ! $r->connection->aborted after each
+New XSLTParser config which can be set to XML::XSLT or
XML::Sablotron. XML::Sablotron renders 10 times faster,
but differently. XML::XSLT is pure perl, so has wider
platform support than XML::Sablotron. This config affects
both the XSLT config and the $Server->XSLT() method.
+New $Server->XSLT(\$xsl_data, \$xml_data) API which
allows runtime XSLT on components instead of having to process
the entire ASP output as XSLT.
-XSLT support for XML::XSL 0.32. Things broke after .24.
-XSLTCacheSize config no longer supported. Was a bad
Tie::Cache implementation. Should be file based cache
to greatly increases cache hit ratio.
++$Response->Include(), $Response->TrapInclude(),
and $Server->Execute() will all take a scalar ref
or \'asdfdsafa' type code as their first argument to execute
a raw script instead of a script file name. At this time,
compilation of such a script, will not be cached. It is
compiled/executed as an anonymous subroutine and will be freed
when it goes out of scope.
+ -p argument to cgi/asp script to set GlobalPackage
config for static site builds
-pod commenting fix where windows clients are used for
ASP script generation.
+Some nice performance enhancements, thank to submissions from
Ime Smits. Added some 1-2% per request execution speed.
+Added StateDB MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File support for faster
$Session + $Application than DB_File, yet still overcomes
SDBM_File's 1024 bytes value limitation. Documented in
StateDB config, and added Makefile.PL entry.
+Removed deprecated MD5 use and replace with Digest::MD5 calls
+PerlSetVar InodeNames 1 config which will compile scripts hashed by
their device & inode identifiers, from a stat($file)[0,1] call.
This allows for script directories, the Global directory,
and IncludesDir directories to be symlinked to without
recompiling identical scripts. Likely only works on Unix
systems. Thanks to Ime Smits for this one.
+Streamlined code internally so that includes & scripts were
compiled by same code. This is a baby step toward fusing
include & script code compilation models, leading to being
able to compile bits of scripts on the fly as ASP subs,
and being able to garbage collect ASP code subroutines.
-removed @_ = () in script compilation which would trigger warnings
under PerlWarn being set, thanks for Carl Lipo for reporting this.
-StatINC/StatINCMatch fix for not undeffing compiled includes
and pages in the GlobalPackage namespace
-Create new HTML::FillInForm object for each FormFill
done, to avoid potential bug with multiple forms filled
by same object. Thanks to Jim Pavlick for the tip.
+Added PREREQ_PM to Makefile.PL, so CPAN installation will
pick up the necessary modules correctly, without having
to use Bundle::Apache::ASP, thanks to Michael Davis.
+ > mode for opening lock files, not >>, since its faster
+$Response->Flush() fixed, by giving $| = 1 perl hint
to $r->print() and the rest of the perl sub.
+$Response->{Cookies}{cookie_name}{Expires} = -86400 * 300;
works so negative relative time may be used to expire cookies.
+Count() + Key() Collection class API implementations
+Added editors/aasp.vim VIM syntax file for Apache::ASP,
courtesy of Jon Topper.
++Better line numbering with #line perl pragma. Especially
helps with inline includes. Lots of work here, & integrated
with Debug 2 runtime pretty print debugging.
+$Response->{Debug} member toggles on/off whether
$Response->Debug() is active, overriding the Debug setting
for this purpose. Documented.
-When Filter is on, Content-Length won't be set and compression
won't be used. These things would not work with a filtering
handler after Apache::ASP
$VERSION = 2.09; $DATE="01/30/2001";
+Examples in ./site/eg are now UseStrict friendly.
Also fixed up ./site/eg/ssi_filter.ssi example.
+Auto purge of old stale session group directories, increasing
session manager performance when using Sessions when migrating
to Apache::ASP 2.09+ from older versions.
+SessionQueryParse now works for all $Response->{ContentType}
starting with 'text' ... before just worked with text/html,
now other text formats like wml will work too.
+32 groups instead of 64, better inactive site session group purging.
+Default session-id length back up to 32 hex bytes.
Better security vs. performance, security more important,
especially when performance difference was very little.
+PerlSetVar RequestParams 1 creates $Request->Params
object with combined contents of $Request->QueryString
and $Request->Form
++FormFill feature via HTML::FillInForm. Activate with
$Response->{FormFill} = 1 or PerlSetVar FormFill 1
See site/eg/formfill.asp for example.
++XMLSubs tags of the same name may be embedded in each other
recursively now.
+No umask() use on Win32 as it seems unclear what it would do
+simpler Apache::ASP::State file handle mode of >> when opening
lock file. saves doing a -e $file test.
+AuthServerVariables config to init $Request->ServerVariables
with basic auth data as documented. This used to be default
behavior, but triggers "need AuthName" warnings from recent
versions of Apache when AuthName is not set.
-Renamed Apache::ASP::Loader class to Apache::ASP::Load
as it collided with the Apache::ASP->Loader() function
namespace. Class used internally by Apache::ASP->Loader()
so no public API changed here.
+-Read of POST input for $Request->BinaryRead() even
if its not from a form. Only set up $Request->Form
if this is from a form POST.
+faster POST/GET param parsing
$VERSION = 2.07; $DATE="11/26/2000";
-+-+ Session Manager
empty state group directories are not removed, thus alleviating
one potential race condition. This impacted performance
on idle sites severely as there were now 256 directories
to check, so made many performance enhancements to the
session manager. The session manager is built to handle
up to 20,000 client sessions over a 20 minute period. It
will slow the system down as it approaches this capacity.
One such enhancement was session-ids now being 11 bytes long
so that its .lock file is only 16 characters in length.
Supposedly some file systems lookup files 16 characters or
less in a fast hashed lookup. This new session-id has
4.4 x 10^12 possible values. I try to keep this space as
large as possible to prevent a brute force attack.
Another enhancement was to limit the group directories
to 64 by only allowing the session-id prefix to be [0-3][0-f]
instead of [0-f][0-f], checking 64 empty directories on an
idle site takes little time for the session manager, compared
to 256 which felt significant from the client end, especially
on Win32 where requests are serialized.
If upgrading to this version, you would do well to delete
empty StateDir group directories while your site is idle.
Upgrading during an idle time will have a similar effect,
as old Apache::ASP versions would delete empty directories.
-$Application->GetSession($session_id) now creates
an session object that only lasts until the next
invocation of $Application->GetSession(). This is
to avoid opening too many file handles at once,
where each session requires opening a lock file.
+added experimental support for Apache::Filter 1.013
filter_register call
+make test cases for $Response->Include() and
+Documented CollectionItem config.
+New $Request->QueryString('multiple args')->Count()
interface implemented for CollectionItem config.
Also $Request->QueryString('multiple args')->Item(1) method.
Note ASP collections start counting at 1.
--fixed race condition, where multiple processes might
try creating the same state directory at the same time, with
one winning, and one generating an error. Now, web process
will recheck for directory existence and error if
it doesn't.
-global.asa compilation will be cached correctly, not
sure when this broke. It was getting reloaded every request.
-StateAllWrite config, when set creates state files
with a+rw or 0666 permissions, and state directories
with a+rwx or 0777 permissions. This allows web servers
running as different users on the same machine to share a
common StateDir config. Also StateGroupWrite config
with perms 0770 and 0660 respectively.
-Apache::ASP->Loader() now won't follow links to
directories when searching for scripts to load.
+New RegisterIncludes config which is on by default only
when using Apache::ASP->Loader(), for compiling includes
when precompiling scripts.
+Apache::ASP::CompileInclude path optimized, which underlies
+$Request->QueryString->('foo')->Item() syntax enabled
with CollectionItem config setting. Default syntax
supported is $Request->QueryString('foo') which is
in compatible. Other syntax like $Request->{Form}{foo}
and $Request->Form->Item('foo') will work in either case.
+New fix suggested for missing Apache reference in
Apache::ASP handler startup for RedHat RPMs. Added
to error message.
--Backup flock() unlocking try for QNX will not corrupt the
normal flock() LOCK_UN usage, after trying to unlock a file
that doesn't exist. This bug was uncovered from the below
group deletion race condition that existed.
-Session garbage collection will not delete new group
directories that have just been created but are empty.
There was a race condition where a new group directory would
be created, but then deleted by a garbage collector before
it could be initialized correctly with new state files.
+Better random session-id checksums for $Session creation.
per process srand() initialization, because srand()
may be called once prefork and never called again.
Call without arguments to rely on perl's decent rand
seeding. Then when calling rand() in Secret() we have
enough random data, that even if someone else calls srand()
to something fixed, should not mess things up terribly since
we checksum things like $$ & time, as well as perl memory
+XMLSubs installation make test.
-Fix for multiline arguments for XMLSubs
$VERSION = 2.03; $DATE="08/01/2000";
+License change to GPL. See LICENSE section.
+Setup of www.apache-asp.org site, finally!
-get rid of Apache::ASP->Loader() warning message for perl 5.6.0
$VERSION = 2.01; $DATE="07/22/2000";
+$data_ref = $Response->TrapInclude('file.inc') API
extension which allows for easy post processing of
data from includes
+./site/eg/source.inc syntax highlighting improvements
+XMLSubsMatch compile time parsing performance improvement
$VERSION = 2.00; $DATE="07/15/2000";
-UniquePackages config works again, broke a couple versions back
+better error handling for methods called on $Application
that don't exist, hard to debug before
$VERSION = 1.95; $DATE="07/10/2000";
--FIXED: distribution example ./site/eg/source.asp now parses
out special characters of the open() call when reading local
This bug would allow a malicious user possible writing
of files in the same directory as the source.asp script. This
writing exploit would only have effect if the web server user
has write permission on those files.
-$0 now set to transferred file, when using $Server->Transfer
-Fix for XMLSubsMatch parsing on cases with 2 or more args passed
to tag sub that was standalone like
<Apps:header type="header" title="Moo" foo="moo" />
$VERSION = 1.93; $DATE="07/03/2000";
-sub second timing with Time::HiRes was adding <!-- -->
comments by HTML by default, which would possibly
break specific programs looking for precise HTML output.
Now this behavior must be explicitly turned on with
the TimeHiRes config setting.
These comments will only appear in HTML only if
Debug is enabled as well.
Timed log entries will only occur if
system debugging is enabled, with Debug -1 or -2
$VERSION = 1.91; $DATE="07/02/2000";
+Documented XMLSubsMatch & XSLT* configuration
settings in CONFIG section.
+XSLT XSL template is now first executed as an
ASP script just like the XML scripts. This is
just one step away now from implementing XSP logic.
+$Server->Execute and $Server->Transfer API extensions
implemented. Execute is the same as $Request->Include()
and $Server->Transfer is like an apache internal redirect
but keeps the current ASP objects for the next script.
Added examples, transfer.htm, and modified dynamic_includes.htm.
+Better compile time error debugging with Debug 2 or -2.
Will hilite/link the buggy line for global.asa errors,
include errors, and XML/XSLT errors just like with
ASP scripts before.
+Nice source hiliting when viewing source for the example
+Runtime string writing optimization for static HTML going
through $Response.
+New version numbering just like everyone else. Starting at 1.91
since I seem to be off by a factor of 10, last release would have
been 1.9.
+XMLSubsMatch and XSLT* settings documented in
the XML/XSLT section of the site/README.
-XMLSubsMatch will strip parens in a pattern match
so it does not interfere with internal matching use.
+XSLT integration allowing XML to be rendered by XSLT
on the fly. XSLT specifies XSL file to transform XML.
XSLTMatch is a regexp that matches XML file names, like \.xml$,
which will be transformed by XSLT setting, default .*
XSLTCacheSize when specified uses Tie::Cache to cached XML DOMs
internally and cache XSLT transformations output per XML/XSL
combination. XML DOM objects can take a lot of RAM, so use
this setting judiciously like setting to 100. Definitely
experiment with this value.
+More client info in the error mail feature, including
client IP, form data, query string, and HTTP_* client headers
+With Time::HiRes loaded, and Debug set to non 0,
will add a <!-- Apache::ASP served request in xx.xx seconds -->
to text/html output, similar to Cocoon, per user request
Will also add this to the system debug error log output
when Debug is < 0
-bug fix on object initialization optimization earlier
in this release, that was introduced for faster event
handler execution.
+Apache::ASP::Parse() takes a file name, scalar, or
scalar ref for arguments of data to parse for greater
integration ability with other applications.
+PodComments optimization, small speed increase at
compilation time.
+String optimization on internal rendering that avoids
unnecessary copying of static html, by using refs. Should
make a small difference on sites with large amounts of
static html.
+CompressGzip setting which, when Compress::Zlib is installed,
will compress text/html automatically going out to the web
browser if the client supports gzip encoding.
++Script_OnFlush event handler, and auxiliary work optimizing
asp events in general. $Response->{BinaryRef} created which
is a reference to outgoing output, which can be used
to modify the data at runtime before it goes out to the client.
+Some code optimizations that boost speed from 22 to 24
hits per second when using Sessions without $Application,
on a simple hello world benchmark on a WinNT PII300.
++Better SessionManagement, more aware of server farms that
don't have reliable NFS locking. The key here is to have only
one process on one server in charge of session garbage collection
at any one time, and try to create this situation with a snazzy
CleanupMaster routine. This is done by having a process register
itself in the internal database with a server key created at
apache start time. If this key gets stale, another process can
become the master, and this period will not exceed the period
SessionTimeout / StateManager.
** Work on session manager sponsored by LRN, http://www.lrn.com. **
** This work was used to deploy a server farm in production with **
** NFS mounted StateDir. Thanks to Craig Samuel for his belief in **
** open source. :) **
Future work for server farm capabilities might include breaking
up the internal database into one of 256 internal databases
hashed by the first 2 chars of the session id. Also on the plate
is Apache::Session like abilities with locking and/or data storage
occuring in a SQL database. The first dbs to be done will include
MySQL & Oracle.
+Better session security which will create a new session id for an
incoming session id that does not match one already seen. This will
help for those with Search engines that have bookmarked
pages with the session ids in the query strings. This breaks away
from standard ASP session id implementation which will automatically
use the session id presented by the browser, now a new session id will
be returned if the presented one is invalid or expired.
-$Application->GetSession will only return a session if
one already existed. It would create one before by default.
+Script_OnFlush global.asa event handler, and $Response->{BinaryRef}
member which is a scalar reference to the content about to be flushed.
See ./site/eg/global.asa for example usage, used in this case to
insert font tags on the fly into the output.
+Highlighting and linking of line error when Debug is set to 2 or -2.
--removed fork() call from flock() backup routine? How did
that get in there? Oh right, testing on Win32. :(
Very painful lesson this one, sorry to whom it may concern.
+$Application->SessionCount support turned off by default
must enable with SessionCount config option. This feature
puts an unnecessary load on busy sites, so not default
behavior now.
++XMLSubsMatch setting that allows the developer to
create custom tags XML style that execute perl subroutines.
See ./site/eg/xml_subs.asp
+MailFrom config option that defaults the From: field for
mails sent via the Mail* configs and $Server->Mail()
+$Server->Mail(\%mail, %smtp_args) API extension
+MailErrorsTo & MailAlertTo now can take comma
separated email addresses for multiple recipients.
-tracking of subroutines defined in scripts and includes so
StatINC won't undefine them when reloading the GlobalPackage,
and so an warning will be logged when another script redefines
the same subroutine name, which has been the bane of at least
a few developers.
-Loader() will now recompile dynamic includes that
have changed, even if main including script has not.
This is useful if you are using Loader() in a
PerlRestartHandler, for reloading scripts when
gracefully restarting apache.
-Apache::ASP used to always set the status to 200 by
default explicitly with $r->status(). This would be
a problem if a script was being used to as a 404
ErrorDocument, because it would always return a 200 error
code, which is just wrong. $Response->{Status} is now
undefined by default and will only be used if set by
the developer.
Note that by default a script will still return a 200 status,
but $Response->{Status} may be used to override this behavior.
+$Server->Config($setting) API extension that allows developer
to access config settings like Global, StateDir, etc., and is a
wrapper around Apache->dir_config($setting)
+Loader() will log the number of scripts
recompiled and the number of scripts checked, instead
of just the number of scripts recompiled, which is
misleading as it reports 0 for child httpds after
a parent fork that used Loader() upon startup.
-Apache::ASP->Loader() would have a bad error if it didn't load
any scripts when given a directory, prints "loaded 0 scripts" now
$VERSION = 0.18; $DATE="02/03/2000";
+Documented SessionQuery* & $Server->URL() and
cleaned up formatting some, as well as redoing
some of the sections ordering for better readability.
Document the cookieless session functionality more
in a new SESSIONS section. Also documented new
FileUpload configs and $Request->FileUpload collection.
Documented StatScripts.
+StatScripts setting which if set to 0 will not reload
includes, global.asa, or scripts when changed.
+FileUpload file handles cleanup at garbage collection
time so developer does not have to worry about lazy coding
and undeffing filehandles used in code. Also set
uploaded filehandles to binmode automatically on Win32
platforms, saving the developer yet more typing.
+FileUploadTemp setting, default 0, if set will leave
a temp file on disk during the request, which may be
helpful for processing by other programs, but is also
a security risk in that others could potentially read
this file while the script is running.
The path to the temp file will be available at
The regular use of file uploads remains the same
with the <$filehandle> to the upload at
+FileUploadMax setting, default 0, currently an
alias for $CGI::POST_MAX, which determines the
max size for a file upload in bytes.
+SessionQueryParse only auto parses session-ids
into links when a session-id COOKIE is NOT found.
This feature is only enabled then when a user has
disabled cookies, so the runtime penalty of this
feature won't drag down the whole site, since most
users will have cookies turned on.
-StatINC & StatINCMatch will not undef Fnctl.pm flock
functions constants like O_RDWR, because the code references
are not well trackable. This would result in sporadic 500 server
errors when a changed module was reloaded that imported O_* flock
functions from Fnctl.
+SessionQueryParse & SessionQueryParseMatch
settings that enable auto parsing session ids into
URLs for cookieless sessions. Will pick up URLs in
<a href>, <area href>, <form action>, <frame src>,
<iframe src>, <img src>, <input src>, <link href>
$Response->Redirect($URL) and the first URL in
script tags like <script>*.location.href=$URL</script>
These settings require that buffering be enabled, as
Apache::ASP will parse through the buffer to parse the URLs.
With SessionQueryParse on, it will just parse non-absolute
URLs, but with SessionQueryParseMatch set to some server
url regexp, like ^http://localhost , will also parse
in the session id for URLs that match that.
When testing, the performance hit from this parsing
a script dropped from 12.5 hits/sec on my WinNT box
to 11.7 hits per second for 1K of buffered output.
The difference is .007 of my PII300's processing power
per second.
For 10K of output then, my guess is that this speed
of script, would be slowed to 6.8 hits per second.
This kind of performance hit would also slow a
script running at 40 hits per second on a UNIX box
to 31 hits/sec for 1K, and to 11 hits/sec for 10K parsed.
Your mileage may vary and you will have to test the difference
yourself. Get yourself a valid URL with a session-id in
it, and run it through ab, or Socrates, with SessionQuery
turned on, and then with SessionQueryParse set to see
the difference. SessionQuery just enables of session id
setting from the query string but will not auto parse urls.
-If buffering, Content-Length will again be set.
It broke, probably while I was tuning in the past
couple versions.
+UseStrict setting compiles all scripts including
global.asa with "use strict" turned on for catching
more coding errors. With this setting enabled,
use strict errors die during compilation forcing
Apache::ASP to try to recompile the script until
-Object use in includes like $Response->Write()
no longer error with "use strict" programming.
+SessionQuery config setting with $Server->URL($url, { %params } )
alpha API extensions to enable cookieless sessions.
+Debugging not longer produces internal debugging
by default. Set to -1,-2 for internal debugging
for Debug settings 1 & 2.
+Both StateSerializer & StateDB can be changed
without affecting a live web site, by storing
the configurations for $Application & $Session
in an internal database, so that if $Session was
created with SDBM_File for the StateDB (default),
it will keep this StateDB setting until it ends.
+StateSerializer config setting. Default Data::Dumper,
can also be set to Storable. Controls how data is
serialized before writing to $Application & $Session.
+Beefed up the make test suite.
+Improved the locking, streamlining a bit of the
$Application / $Session setup process. Bench is up to
22 from 21 hits / sec on dev NT box.
+Cut more fat for faster startup, now on my dev box
I get 44 hits per sec Apache::ASP vs. 48 Embperl
vs. 52 CGI via Apache::Registry for the HelloWorld Scripts.
-Improved linking for the online site documentation,
where a few links before were bad.
$VERSION = 0.17; $DATE="11/15/99";
++20%+ faster startup script execution, as measured by the
HelloWorld bench. I cut a lot of the fat out of
the code, and is now at least 20% faster on startup
both with and without state.
On my dev (NT, apache 1.3.6+mod_perl) machine, I now get:
42 hits per sec on Apache::ASP HelloWorld bench
46 hits per sec on Embperl (1.2b10) and
51 hits per sec for CGI Apache::Registry scripts
Before Apache::ASP was clocking some 31 hits per sec.
Apache::ASP also went from 75 to 102 hits per second
on Solaris.
+PerlTaintCheck On friendly. This is mod_perl's way
of providing -T taint checking. When Apache::ASP
is used with state objects like $Session or $Application,
MLDBM must also be made taint friendly with:
$MLDBM::RemoveTaint = 1;
which could be put in the global.asa. Documented.
+Added $Response->ErrorDocument($error_code, $uri_or_string)
API extension which allows for setting of Apache's error
document at runtime. This is really just a wrapper
for Apache->custom_response() renamed so it syncs with
the Apache ErrorDocument config setting. Updated
documentation, and added error_document.htm example.
=OrderCollections setting was added, but then REMOVED
because it was not going to be used. It bound
$Request->* collections/hashes to Tie::IxHash, so that data
in those collections would be read in the order the
browser sent it, when eaching through or with keys.
-global.asa will be reloaded when changed. This broke
when I optimized the modification times with (stat($file))[9]
rather than "use File::stat; stat($file)->mtime"
-Make Apache::ASP->Loader() PerlRestartHandler safe,
had some unstrict code that was doing the wrong thing.
-IncludesDir config now works with DynamicIncludes.
+DebugBufferLength feature added, giving control to
how much buffered output gets shown when debugging errors.
++Tuning of $Response->Write(), which processes all
static html internally, to be almost 50% faster for
its typical use, when BufferingOn is enabled, and
CgiHeaders are disabled, both being defaults.
This can show significant speed improvements for tight
loops that render ASP output.
+Auto linking of ./site/eg/ text to example scripts
at web site.
+$Application->GetSession($session_id) API extension, useful
for managing active user sessions when storing session ids
in $Application. Documented.
-disable use of flock() on Win95/98 where it is unimplemented
-@array context of $Request->Form('name') returns
undef when value for 'name' is undefined. Put extra
logic in there to make sure this happens.
$VERSION = 0.16; $DATE="09/22/99";
-$Response->{Buffer} and PerlSetVar BufferingOn
configs now work when set to 0, to unbuffer output,
and send it out to the web client as the script generates it.
Buffering is enabled by default, as it is faster, and
allows a script to error cleanly in the middle of execution.
+more bullet proof loading of Apache::Symbol, changed the
way Apache::ASP loads modules in general. It used to
check for the module to load every time, if it hadn't loaded
successfully before, but now it just tries once per httpd,
so the web server will have to be restarted to see new installed
modules. This is just for modules that Apache::ASP relies on.
Old modules that are changed or updated with an installation
are still reloaded with the StatINC settings if so configured.
+ASP web site wraps <font face="courier new"> around <pre>
tags now to override the other font used for the text
areas. The spacing was all weird in Netscape before
for <pre> sections.
-Fixed Content-Length calculation when using the Clean
option, so that the length is calculated after the HTML
is clean, not before. This would cause a browser to
hang sometimes.
+Added IncludesDir config option that if set will also be
used to check for includes, so that includes may easily be
shared between applications. By default only Global and
the directory the script is in are checked for includes.
Also added IncludesDir as a possible configuration option
for Apache::ASP->Loader()
-Re-enabled the Application_OnStart & OnEnd events, after
breaking them when implementing the AllowApplicationState
config setting.
+Better pre-fork caching ... StatINC & StatINCMatch are now
args for Apache::ASP->Loader(), so StatINC symbols loading
may be done pre-fork and shared between httpds. This lowers
the child httpd init cost of StatINC. Documented.
+Made Apache::ASP Basic Authorization friendly so authentication
can be handled by ASP scripts. If AuthName and AuthType Apache
config directives are set, and a $Response->{Status} is set to
401, a user will be prompted for username/password authentication
and the entered data will show up in ServerVariables as:
$env = $Request->ServerVariables
$env->{REMOTE_USER} = $env->{AUTH_USER} = username
$env->{AUTH_PASSWD} = password
$env->{AUTH_NAME} = your realm
$env->{AUTH_TYPE} = 'Basic'
This is the same place to find auth data as if Apache had some
authentication handler deal with the auth phase separately.
-MailErrorsTo should report the right file now that generates
the error.
$VERSION = 0.15; $DATE="08/24/1999";
--State databases like $Session, $Application are
now tied/untied to every lock/unlock triggered by read/write
access. This was necessary for correctness issues, so that
database file handles are flushed appropriately between writes
in a highly concurrent multi-process environment.
This problem raised its ugly head because under high volume,
a DB_File can become corrupt if not flushed correctly.
Unfortunately, there is no way to flush SDBM_Files & DB_Files
consistently other than to tie/untie the databases every access.
DB_File may be used optionally for StateDB, but the default is
to use SDBM_File which is much faster, but limited to 1024 byte
key/value pairs.
For SDBM_Files before, if there were too many concurrent
writes to a shared database like $Application, some of the
writes would not be saved because another process
might overwrite the changes with its own.
There is now a 10 fold performance DECREASE associated
with reading from and writing to files like $Session
and $Application. With rough benchmarks I can get about
100 increments (++) now per second to $Session->{count}, where
before I could get 1000 increments / second.
You can improve this if you have many reads / writes happening
at the same time, by placing locking code around the group like
This method will reduce the number of ties to the $Session database
from 6 to 1 for this kind of code, and will improve the performance
Also, instead of using explicit $Session locking, you can
create an automatic lock on $Session per script by setting
SessionSerialize in your config to 1. The danger here is
if you have any long running scripts, the user will have
to wait for it to finish before another script can be run.
To see the number of lock/unlocks or ties/unties to each database
during a script execution, look at the last lines of debug output
to your error log when Debug is set to 1. This can help you
performance tweak access to these databases.
+Updated documentation with new config settings and
API extensions.
+Added AllowApplicationState config option which allows
you to leave $Application undefined, and will not
execute Application_OnStart or Application_OnEnd.
This can be a slight performance increase of 2-3% if
you are not using $Application, but are using $Session.
+Added $Session->Lock() / $Session->UnLock() API routines
necessary additions since access to session is not
serialized by default like IIS ASP. Also prompted
by change in locking code which retied to SDBM_File
or DB_File each lock. If you $Session->Lock / UnLock
around many read/writes, you will increase performance.
+Added StateCache config which, if set will cache
the file handle locks for $Application and an internal
database used for tracking $Session info. This caching can
make an ASP application perform up to 10% faster,
at a cost of each web server process holding 2 more
cached file handles open, per ASP application using
this configuration. The data written to or read from
these state databases is not cached, just the locking
file handles are held open.
-Added in much more locking in session manager
and session garbage collector to help avoid collisions
between the two. There were definite windows that the
two would collide in, during which bad things could
happen on a high volume site.
-Fixed some warnings in DESTROY and ParseParams()
$VERSION = 0.14; $DATE="07/29/1999";
-CGI & StatINC or StatINCMatch would have bad results
at times, with StatINC deleting dynamically compiled
CGI subroutines, that were imported into other scripts
and modules namespaces.
A couple tweaks, and now StatINC & CGI play nice again ;)
StatINCMatch should be safe to use in production with CGI.
This affects in particular environments that use file upload,
since CGI is loaded automatically by Apache::ASP to handle
file uploads.
This fix should also affect other seemingly random
times when StatINC or StatINCMatch don't seem to do
the right thing.
+use of ASP objects like $Response are now "use strict"
safe in scripts, while UniquePackages config is set.
+Better handling of "use strict" errors in ASP scripts.
The error is detected, and the developer is pointed to the
Apache error log for the exact error.
The script with "use strict" errors will be recompiled again. Its seems
though that "use strict" will only throw its error once, so that a script
can be recompiled with the same errors, and work w/o any use strict
error messaging.
$VERSION = 0.12; $DATE="07/01/1999";
-Compiles are now 10 +times faster for scripts with lots of big
embedded perl blocks <% #perl %>
Compiles were slow because of an old PerlScript compatibility
parsing trick where $Request->QueryString('hi')->{item}
would be parsed to $Request->QueryString('hi') which works.
I think the regexp that I was using had O(n^2) characteristics
and it took a really big perl block to 10 +seconds to parse
to understand there was a problem :(
I doubt anyone needed this compatibility, I don't even see
any code that looks like this in the online PerlScript examples,
so I've commented out this parsing trick for now. If you
need me to bring back this functionality, it will be in the
form of a config setting.
For information on PerlScript compatibility, see the PerlScript
section in the ASP docs.
-Added UniquePackages config option, that if set brings back
the old method of compiling each ASP script into its own
separate package. As of v.10, scripts are compiled by default
into the same package, so that scripts, dynamic includes & global.asa
can share globals. This BROKE scripts in the same ASP Application
that defined the same sub routines, as their subs would redefine
each other.
UniquePackages has scripts compiled into separate perl packages,
so they may define subs with the same name, w/o fear of overlap.
Under this settings, scripts will not be able to share globals.
-Secure field for cookies in $Response->Cookies() must be TRUE to
force cookie to be secure. Before, it just had to be defined,
which gave wrong behavior for Secure => 0.
+$Response->{IsClientConnected} set to one by default. Will
work out a real value when I upgrade to apache 1.3.6. This
value has no meaning before, as apache aborts the perl code
when a client drops its connection in earlier versions.
+better compile time debugging of dynamic includes, with
Debug 2 setting
+"use strict" friendly handling of compiling dynamic includes
with errors
$VERSION = 0.11; $DATE="06/24/1999";
+Lots of documentation updates
+The MailHost config option is the smtp server used for
relay emails for the Mail* config options.
+MailAlertTo config option used for sending a short administrative
alert for an internal ASP error, server code 500. This is the
compliment to MailErrorsTo, but is suited for sending a to a
small text based pager. The email sent by MailErrorsTo would
then be checked by the web admin for quick response & debugging
for the incident.
The MailAlertPeriod config specifies the time in minutes during
which only one alert will be sent, which defaults to 20.
+MailErrorsTo config options sends the results of a 500 error
to the email address specified as if Debug were set to 2.
If Debug 2 is set, this config will not be on, as it is
for production use only. Debug settings less than 2 only
log errors to the apache server error log.
-StatINCMatch / StatINC can be used in production and work
even after a server graceful restart, which is essential for
a production server.
-Content-Length header is set again, if BufferingOn is set, and
haven't $Response->Flush()'d. This broke when I introduce
the Script_OnEnd event handler.
+Optimized reloading of the GlobalPackage perl module upon changes,
so that scripts and dynamic includes don't have to be recompiled.
The global.asa will still have to be though. Since we started
compiling all routines into a package that can be named with
GlobalPackage, we've been undeffing compiled scripts and includes
when the real GlobalPackage changed on disk, as we do a full sweep
through the namespace. Now, we skip those subs that we know to
be includes or scripts.
-Using Apache::Symbol::undef() to undefine precompiled scripts
and includes when reloading those scripts. Doing just an undef()
would sometimes result in an "active subroutine undef" error.
This bug came out when I started thrashing the StatINC system
for production use.
+StatINCMatch setting created for production use reloading of
perl modules. StatINCMatch allows StatINC reloading of a
subset of all the modules defined in %INC, those that match
$module =~ /$StatINCMatch/, where module is some module name
like Class/Struct.pm
+Reoptimized pod comment parsing. I slowed it down to sync
lines numbers in the last version, but found another corner I could cut.
$VERSION = 0.10; $DATE="05/24/1999";
+= improvement; - = bug fix
+Added index.html file to ./eg to help people wade through
the examples. This one has been long overdue.
+Clean config option, or setting $Response->{Clean} to 1 - 9,
uses HTML::Clean to compress text/html output of ASP scripts.
I like the Clean 1 setting which is lightweight, stripping
white space for about 10% compression, at a cost of less than
a 5% performance penalty.
+Using pod style commenting no longer confuses the line
numbering. ASP script line numbers are almost exactly match
their compiled perl version, except that normal inline includes
(not dynamic) insert extra text which can confuse line numbering.
If you want perl error line numbers to entirely sync with your
ASP scripts, I would suggest learning how to use dynamic includes,
as opposed to inline includes.
-Wrapped StatINC reloading of libs in an eval, and capturing
error for Debug 2 setting. This makes changing libs with StatINC
on a little more friendly when there are errors.
-$Request->QueryString() now stores multiple values for the
same key, just as $Request->Form() has since v.07. In
wantarray() context like @vals = $Request->QueryString('dupkey'),
@vals will store whatever values where associated with dupkey
in the query string like (1,2) from: ?dupkey=1&dupkey=2
+The GlobalPackage config directive may be defined
to explicitly set the perl module that all scripts and global.asa
are compiled into.
-Dynamic includes may be in the Global directory, just like
normal includes.
+Perl script generated from asp scripts should match line
for line, seen in errors, except when using inline (default)
includes, pod comments, or <% #comment %> perl comments, which
will throw off the line counts by adding text, removing
text, or having an extra newline added, respectively.
-Script_OnEnd may now send output to the browser. Before
$main::Response->End() was being called at the end of the
main script preventing further output.
++All scripts are compiled as routines in a namespace uniquely
defined by the global.asa of the ASP application. Thus,
scripts, includes, and global.asa routines will share
all globals defined in the global.asa namespace. This means
that globals between scripts will be shared, and globals
defined in a global.asa will be available to scripts.
Scripts used to have their own namespace, thus globals
were not shared between them.
+a -o $output_dir switch on the ./cgi/asp script allows
it to execute scripts and write their output to an output
directory. Useful for building static html sites, based on
asp scripts. An example use would be:
asp -b -o out *.asp
Without an output directory, script output is written to STDOUT
$VERSION = 0.09; $DATE="04/22/1999";
+Updated Makefile.PL optional modules output for CGI & DB_File
+Improved docs on $Response->Cookies() and $Request->Cookies()
+Added PERFORMANCE doc to main README, and added sub section
on precompiling scripts with Apache::ASP->Loader()
+Naming of CompileIncludes switched over to DynamicIncludes
for greater clarity.
+Dynamic includes can now reference ASP objects like $Session
w/o the $main::* syntax. These subs are no longer anonymous
subs, and are now compiled into the namespace of the global.asa package.
+Apache::ASP->Loader() precompiles dynamic includes too. Making this work
required fixing some subtle bugs / dependencies in the compiling process.
+Added Apache::ASP->Loader() similar to Apache::RegistryLoader for
precompiling ASP scripts. Precompile a whole site at server
startup with one function call.
+Prettied the error messaging with Debug 2.
+$Response->Debug(@args) debugging extension, which
allows a developer to hook into the module's debugging,
and only have @args be written to error_log when Debug is greater
than 0.
-Put write locking code around State writes, like $Session
and $Application. I thought I fixed this bug a while ago.
-API change: converted $Session->Timeout() and $Session->SessionID()
methods into $Session->{Timeout} and $Session->{SessionID} properties.
The use of these properties as methods is deprecated, but
backwards compatibility will remain. Updated ./eg/session.asp
to use these new properties.
+Implemented $Response->{PICS} which if set sends out a PICS-Label
HTTP header, useful for ratings.
+Implemented $Response->{CacheControl} and $Response->{Charset} members.
By default, CacheControl is 'private', and this value gets sent out
every request as HTTP header Cache-Control. Charset appends itself
onto the content type header.
+Implemented $Request->BinaryRead(), $Request->{TotalBytes},
documented them, and updated ./eg/form.asp for an example usage.
+Implemented $Response->BinaryWrite(), documented, and created
and example in ./eg/binary_write.htm
+Implemented $Server->MapPath() and created example of its use
in ./eg/server.htm
-$Request->Form() now reads file uploads correctly with
the latest CGI.pm, where $Request->Form('file_field') returns
the actual file name uploaded, which can be used as a file handle
to read in the data. Before, $Request->Form('file_field') would
return a glob that looks like *Fh::filename, so to get the file
name, you would have to parse it like =~ s/^\*Fh\:\://,
which you no longer have to do. As long as parsing was done as
mentioned, the change should be backwards compatible.
+Updated +enhanced documentation on file uploads. Created extra
comments about it as an FAQ, and under $Response->Form(), the latter
being an obvious place for a developer to look for it.
+Updated ./eg/file_upload.asp to show use of non file form data,
with which we had a bug before.
+Finished retieing *STDIN to cached STDIN contents, so that
CGI input routines may be used transparently, along side with
use of $Request->Form()
+Cleaned up and optimized $Request code
+Updated documentation for CGI input & file uploads. Created
file upload FAQ.
+Reworked ./eg/cgi.htm example to use CGI input routines
after doing a native read of STDIN.
++Added dynamic includes with <!--include file=file args=@args-->
extension. This style of include is compiled as an anonymous sub &
cached, and then executed with @args passed to the subroutine for
execution. This is include may also be rewritten as a new API
extension: $Response->Include('file', @args)
+Added ./eg/compiled_includes.htm example documenting new dynamic includes.
+Documented SSI: native file includes, and the rest with filtering
to Apache::SSI
+Turned the documentation of Filter config to value of Off so
people won't cut and paste the On config by default.
+Added SecureSession config option, which forces session cookie to
be sent only under https secured www page requests.
+Added StateDB config option allows use of DB_File for $Session, since
default use of SDBM_File is limited. See StateDB in README.
+file include syntax w/o quotes supported like <!--#include file=test.inc-->
+Nested includes are supported, with includes including each other.
Recursive includes are detected and errors out when an include has been
included 100 times for a script. Better to quit early than
have a process spin out of control. (PORTABLE ? probably not)
+Allow <!--include file=file.inc--> notation w/o quotes around file names
-PerlSetEnv apache conf setting now get passed through to
$Request->ServerVariables. This update has ServerVariables
getting data from %ENV instead of $r->cgi_env
+README FAQ for PerlHandler errors
$VERSION = 0.08; $DATE="02/06/1999";
++SSI with Apache::Filter & Apache::SSI, see config options & ./eg files
Currently filtering only works in the direction Apache::ASP -> Apache::SSI,
will not work the other way around, as SSI must come last in a set of filters
+SSI file includes may reference files in the Global directory, better
code sharing
- <% @array... %> no longer dropped from code.
+perl =pod comments are stripped from script before compiling, and associated
PodComments configuration options.
+Command line cgi/asp script takes various options, and allows execution
of multiple asp scripts at one time. This script should be used for
command line debugging. This is also the beginning of building
a static site from asp scripts with the -b option, suppressing headers.
+$Response->AddHeader('Set-Cookie') works for multiple cookies.
-$Response->Cookies('foo', '0') works, was dropping 0 because of boolean test
-Fixed up some config doc errors.
$VERSION = 0.07; $DATE="01/20/1999";
-removed SIG{__WARN__} handler, it was a bad idea.
-fixes file locking on QNX, work around poor flock porting
+removed message about Win32::OLE on UNIX platforms from Makefile.PL
-Better lock garbage collection. Works with StatINC seamlessly.
-Multiple select forms now work in array context with $Response->Form()
@values = $Response->Form('multi');
-Better CGI.pm compatibility with $r->header_out('Content-type'),
improved garbage collection under modperl, esp. w/ file uploads
$VERSION = 0.06; $DATE="12/21/1998";
+Application_OnStart & Application_OnEnd event handlers support.
-Compatible with CGI.pm 2.46 headers()
-Compatible with CGI.pm $q = new CGI({}), caveat: does not set params
+use strict; followed by use of objects like $Session is fine.
-Multiple cookies may be set per script execution.
+file upload implemented via CGI.pm
++global.asa implemented with events Session_OnStart and Session_OnEnd
working appropriately.
+StateDir configuration directive implemented.
StateDir allows the session state directory to be specified separately
from the Global directory, useful for operating systems with caching file
+StateManager config directive. StateManager specifies how frequently
Sessions are cleaned up, with 10 (default) meaning that old Sessions
will be cleaned up 10 times per SessionTimeout period (default 20 minutes).
+$Application->SessionCount() implemented, non-portable method.
: returns the number of currently active sessions
-STOP button fix. Users may hit STOP button during script
execution, and Apache::ASP will cleanup with a routine registered
in Apache's $r->register_cleanup. Works well supposedly.
+PerlScript compatibility work, trying to make ports smoother.
: Collection emulator, no ->{Count} property
: $.*(.*)->{Item} parsed automatically,
shedding the ->{Item} for Collection support (? better way ?)
: No VBScript dates support, just HTTP RFC dates with HTTP::Date
: Win32::OLE::in not supported, just use "keys %{$Collection}"
+./cgi/asp script for testing scripts from the command line
: will be upgraded to CGI method of doing asp
: is not "correct" in anyway, so not documented for now
but still useful
+strips DOS carriage returns from scripts automatically, so that
programs like FrontPage can upload pages to UNIX servers
without perl choking on the extra \r characters.
$VERSION = 0.05; $DATE="10/19/1998";
+Added PERFORMANCE doc, which includes benchmarks +hints.
+Better installation warnings and errors for other modules required.
-Turned off StatINC in eg/.htaccess, as not everyone installs Devel::Symdump
-Fixed AUTOLOAD state bug, which wouldn't let you each through state
objects, like %{$Session}, or each %$Session, (bug introduced in v.04)
+Parses ASP white space better. HTML output matches author's intent
by better dealing with white space surrounding <% perl blocks %>
-Scalar insertion code <%=$foo%> can now span many lines.
+Added include.t test script for includes.
+Script recompiles when included files change.
+Files can be included in script with
SSI <!--#include file="filename"--> syntax, needs to be
done in ASP module to allow compilation of included code and html
into script. Future chaining with Apache::SSI will allow static
html includes, and other SSI directives
$VERSION = 0.04; $DATE="10/14/1998";
+Example script eg/cgi.htm demonstrating CGI.pm use for output.
+Optimized ASP parsing, faster and more legible executing code
: try 'die();' in code with setting PerlSetVar Debug 2
+Cleaned up code for running with 'use strict'
-Fixed directory handle leak on Solaris, from not closing after opendir()
+StatINC overhaul. StatINC setting now works as it should, with
the caveat that exported functions will not be refreshed.
+NoState setting optimization, disallows $Application & $Session
+$Application->*Lock() functions implemented
-SoftRedirect setting for those who want scripts to keep running
after a Redirect()
+SessionSerialize setting to lock session while script is running
: Microsoft ASP style session locking
: For a session, scripts execute one at a time
: NOT recommended use, please see note.
-MLDBM can be used for other things without messing up internal use
: before if it was used with different DB's and serializers,
internal state could be lost.
--State file locking. Corruption worries, and loss of data no more.
+CGI header support, developer can use CGI.pm for *output*, or just print()
: print "Set-Cookie: test=cookie\n", and things will just work
: use CGI.pm for output
: utilizes $r->send_cgi_header(), thanks Doug!
+Improved Cookie implementation, more flexible and complete
- Domain cookie key now works
: Expire times now taken from time(), and relative time in sec
: Request->Cookies() reading more flexible, with wantarray()
on hash cookie values, %hash = $Request->Cookie('test');
-make test module naming correction, was t.pm, now T.pm for Unix
+POD / README cleanup, formatting and HTML friendly.
$VERSION = 0.03; $DATE="09/14/1998";
+Installation 'make test' now works
+ActiveX objects on Win32 implemented with $Server->CreateObject()
+Cookies implemented: $Response->Cookies() & $Request->Cookies()
-Fixed $Response object API, converting some methods to object members.
Deprecated methods, but backwards compatible.
+Improved error messaging, debug output
+$, influences $Response->Write(@strings) behavior
+perl print() works, sending output to $Response object
+$Response->Write() prints scalars, arrays, and hashes. Before only scalars.
+Begin implementation of $Server object.
+Implemented $Response->{Expires} and $Response->{ExpiresAbsolute}
+Added "PerlSetVar StatINC" config option
+$0 is aliased to current script filename
+ASP Objects ($Response, etc.) are set in main package
Thus notation like $main::Response->Write() can be used anywhere.
$VERSION = 0.02; $DATE="07/12/1998";
++Session Manager, won't break under denial of service attack
+Fleshed out $Response, $Session objects, almost full implementation.
+Enormously more documentation.
-Fixed error handling with Debug = 2.
-Documentation fixed for pod2man support. README now more man-like.
-Stripped \r\n dos characters from installation files
-755 mode set for session state directory when created
-Loads Win32/OLE properly, won't break with UNIX
$VERSION = 0.01; $DATE="06/26/1998";
Syntax Support
Initial release, could be considered alpha software.
Allows developers to embed perl in html ASP style.
<!-- sample here -->
<% for(1..10) { %>
counting: <%=$_%> <br>
<% } %>
ASP Objects
$Session, $Application, $Response, $Request objects available
for use in asp pages.
$Session & $Application data is preserved using SDBM files.
$Session id's are tracked through the use of cookies.
Timeouts any attempt to use a session id that doesn't already
exist. Should stop hackers, since there is no wire speed guessing