Demo ASP: source.asp |
Source of file response.asp:
<!--#include file=header.inc-->
my $form = $Request->QueryString();
# Expires
$form->{expires} ||= 0;
$Response->{Expires} = $form->{expires};
my $update_time = &Apache::ASP::Date::time2str(time()+$form->{expires});
# Buffer
(defined $Session->{buffer})
|| ($Session->{buffer} = $Response->{Buffer});
if($form->{buffer}) {
$Session->{buffer} = ! $Session->{buffer};
my $buffer_display = $Session->{buffer}
? "Set Buffer Off" : "Set Buffer On";
$Response->{Buffer} = $Session->{buffer};
# Cookie
if($form->{cookie_name}) {
$Response->{Cookies}{$form->{cookie_name}} =
<table border=1 cellpadding=2>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center><b>Response Object Demonstration</b></td></tr>
<form action=<%=$demo->{file}%> method=GET>
<td colspan=2 align=center>
<input type=submit name=buffer value="<%=$buffer_display%>">
<input type=submit name=clear value="Clear Test">
<input type=submit name=submit value="Submit">
<td><b>Input Text</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=text value="<%=$form->{text}%>"></td>
<td><b>Expires In (secs)</b></td>
<td><input type=text name=expires value="<%=$form->{expires}%>"></td>
<% if($update_time) { %>
<td><b>Expires On</b></td>
<% } %>
<td><%=$Response->{Buffer} ? "On" : "Off"%></td>
<td><b>Cookie (Name=Value)</b></td>
<input type=text name=cookie_name
<input type=text name=cookie_value
while(my($k, $v) = each %{$Request->Cookies()}) {
if(ref $v) {
print "$k:<br>\n";
for(keys %$v) {
print "- $v->{$_}=$_<br>\n";
} else {
print "$k=$v\n";
print "<p>\n";
<td><b>Clear Demo</b></td>
# printing now aliases to $Response->Write()
print "
Here's some text that was added to the box...
if you pressed clear and buffering is on,
you will not see it...
# demo of $Response->Clear();
<!-- inserted text -->
<table border=1><tr><td>Input Text:<%=$form->{text}%></td></tr></table>
if($form->{clear}) {
<td><b>print() demo</b></td>
<% print " perl print() now works! <P>\n"; %>
* Please note that the cookie example takes 2 submits to show up
in the table after setting it because the first time, the header
is sent to the browser, and the 2nd, the browser sends it back.
<!--#include file=footer.inc-->
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