Demo ASP: source.asp |
Source of file register_cleanup.asp:
<!--#include file=header.inc-->
<% my $Sleep = 3; %>
We are about to sleep for <%=$Sleep %> seconds. Before that,
this script registers a routine to be executed after this script
finishes, which will increment a count. This count displayed after
these <%=$Sleep %> seconds if you do nothing.
Try this. Hit reload, then your browser <b>STOP</b> button quickly.
Do this repeatedly. Then let the script execute normally. You will
see the registered code executed appropriately.
Up through Apache version 1.3.4, this method is important, because mod_perl
halts script execution immediately when the user hits a STOP button,
so doing $Server->RegisterCleanup is the only way to consistently
execute code that you have to for that script.
sleeping for <%=$Sleep %> seconds...
$Server->RegisterCleanup( sub { $main::Session->{cleanup_count}++ });
for(1..$Sleep) {
print 'sleeping 1 second...<br>';
if(! $Response->{IsClientConnected}) {
$Response->Debug("ending script execution since client is no longer connected");
Count incremented in $Server-<%=$Server->HTMLEncode('>')%>RegisterCleanup
<b><%=$Session->{cleanup_count} || 0 %></b>
<!--#include file=footer.inc-->
view this file's source