Demo ASP: source.asp |
Source of file index.html:
# split the page in 2 for nice formatting and english style sorting
my(@col1, @col2);
my @keys = sort keys %EG;
@keys || die("\%EG is not defined, make sure you copied ./eg/global.asa correctly");
my $half = int(@keys/2) + 1;
for(my $i =0; $i <= $#keys; $i++) {
if($i < $half) {
push(@col1, $keys[$i]);
} else {
push(@col2, $keys[$i]);
$Response->Debug('col1', \@col1, 'col2', \@col2);
$title = 'Example ASP Scripts';
<!--#include file=header.inc-->
<table border=0>
<% while(@col1) {
my $col1 = shift @col1;
my $col2 = shift @col2;
<% for([$col1, $EG{$col1}], '', [$col2, $EG{$col2}]) {
unless(ref $_) {
print "<td width=10> </td>";
next unless $_->[0]; # last col / last row
# clean up the descriptions
$_->[1] =~ s/\s*\.\s*$//s;
$_->[1] .= '.';
<td valign=top>
<a href=<%=$_->[0]%>><%=$_->[0]%></a>
<% if($_->[0] =~ /\.(htm|asp|ssi|xml)$/) { %>
(<a href=source.asp?file=<%=$_->[0]%>>source</a>)
<% } %>
<font size=-1><%=$_->[1]%></font>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<!--#include file=footer.inc-->
view this file's source