Demo ASP: source.asp |
Source of file dynamic_includes.htm:
<% $Response->Include('header.inc', bgcolor => $Request->Form('color') || 'white'); %>
<h3> Demonstration of dynamic includes. </h3>
<table border=0>
<form name=color method=post>
<input type=text name=color value="<%=$Request->Form('color') || 'white' %>">
This first example demonstrates dynamic includes SSI style.
First try entering a color in the box to be passed as a runtime argument to the
included header for this file. Just hit enter after typing in the color.
<table border=0>
<form method=post>
<input type=text name=size value="<%=$Request->Form('size')%>">
Now to show you how to access dynamic includes through the API
extension $Response->Include($filename, @args)... please
enter a number of columns less than 10 in the text box, and a grid will
be produce below of that size.
<td colspan=2>
my $size = $Request->Form('size');
if($size > 0 and $size <= 10) {
# Response->Include() and Server->Execute do the same things
# but the former is the native solution, and the latter comes
# from the recent IIS/ASP 3.0 API extension. Formally, Execute()
# doesn't take arguments, but we allow this functionality.
if($size % 2) {
$Response->Include('table.inc', $size);
} else {
$Server->Execute('table.inc', $size);
} else {
print "Please enter a valid number from 1 to 10 in the form.\n";
<!--#include file=footer.inc-->
view this file's source