use DemoASP; # import basename() into global.asa namespace use File::Basename qw(basename); # when PerlSetVar UseStrict setting on, need to declare # global variables with "use vars" use vars qw($FontFace $GlobalFont %EG $title); # static read only global $GlobalFont = 'face=verdana,helvetica'; # this is run every request for all scripts that share this global.asa sub Script_OnStart { $Response->Debug("Script_OnStart $0 in global.asa"); $Session->{Started}++; $title = ''; } sub Script_OnEnd { $Response->Debug("Script_OnEnd $0 in global.asa"); $Session->{Ended}++; } # modify data on the way out sub Script_OnFlush { if($Response->{ContentType} eq 'text/html') { my $data = $Response->{BinaryRef}; $$data =~ s/(\<(body|td).*?\>)/$1\/isg; } my $data = $Response->{BinaryRef}; $Response->Debug("Script_OnFlush: about to flush ".length($$data)." bytes to client"); } sub Session_OnStart { $Session->{Count} = 10; $Session->{onstart} = time(); $Application->{'Session'.$Session->SessionID} = '?'; $Response->AppendToLog("Session_OnStart! in ./eg/global.asa ". $Session->SessionID); } sub Session_OnEnd { my $t_session_active = time() - $Session->{onstart}; $Application->{'Session'.$Session->SessionID} = $t_session_active; $Response->AppendToLog("Session_OnEnd! in ./eg/global.asa ". $Session->SessionID); } sub Application_OnStart { $Response->AppendToLog("Application_OnStart! in ./eg/global.asa"); $Application->{Count} = 20; } sub Application_OnEnd { $Response->AppendToLog("Application_OnEnd! in ./eg/global.asa"); } # you can share globals between scripts as of v.10, as all scripts, including # the global.asa are compiled into the same module %EG = ( '.htaccess' => 'Configuration parameters that make Apache::ASP tick.', 'application.asp' => 'Uses $Application for incrementing a counter.', 'binary_write.htm' => '$Response->BinaryWrite() demo for an asp script serving a gif.', 'cgi.htm' => 'Shows compatibility with the library', 'counting.htm' => 'Simple asp syntax shown by wrapping a for loop around html and inserting a '. 'scalar value.', 'dynamic_includes.htm' => 'Shows an included file called as a subroutine.', 'error_document.htm' => 'Shows a custom error message using the $Response->ErrorDocument() API extension', 'filter.filter' => "Demonstrates Apache::ASP's ability to act both as a source and destination filter with Apache::Filter.", 'file_upload.asp' => 'File upload data can be read from the $Request->Form(), '. 'and is implemented via', '' => 'Footer include for most of the scripts listed.', 'form.asp' => 'Shows simple use of $Request->Form() and how to get raw input data '. ' from $Request->BinaryRead()', 'formfill.asp' => 'Shows use of FormFill feature, which auto fills HTML forms from '. '$Request->Form() data. One must install HTML::FillInForm to use this feature. ', 'global.asa' => 'The global.asa is the nervous system of an ASP application and '. 'is where you define your event handlers.', 'global_asa_demo.asp' => 'Shows how the global.asa can be used to track users in an '. 'application', '' => 'Header include for most of the scripts listed here.', 'include.htm' => 'Shows how you can decompose a script into common included files', # 'ordered_collections.ixhtm' => # 'Used with Tie::IxHash, shows the natural ordering of the $Request->Form() collection '. # 'by how the browser submitted the data, useful for some.', 'register_cleanup.asp' => 'Demonstrates use of the API extension $Server->RegisterCleanup(). '. 'Execute code after a response completes in a fail safe way with this routine. ', 'response.asp' => 'Messy script showing much of the $Response object\'s functionality, '. 'including cookies and buffering.', '' => 'File dynamically included in the dynamic_includes.htm example', 'server.htm' => 'Shows much of the $Server object\'s functionality', 'server_variables.htm' => '$Response->ServerVariables() are the equivalent of %ENV in ASP', 'session.asp' => 'Shows use of the $Session object, and also demos one implementation '. 'of cookieless sessions.', 'session_query_parse.asp' => "Demonstrates automatic cookieless session support with the SessionQueryParse* ". "settings.", 'source.asp' => 'Handy source code viewer used to let you easily view the source of '. 'the other asp scripts.', # 'ssi_filter.ssi' => 'Shows full SSI in action via Apache::Filter & Apache::SSI. You must compile '. # 'your apache with stacked handlers and install these modules to see '. # ' this script', 'syntax_error.asp' => 'Demonstrates asp debugging with Debug 2 by creating a perl syntax error ', '' => 'Another include used to demo dynamic_includes.htm', 'test.gif' => 'Source gif for the binary_write.htm example', 'transfer.htm' => '$Server->Transfer() use in action, for speedy redirect type behavior.', 'xml_subs.asp' => 'XMLSubsMatch XML Extensions demonstrated, which all custom tags '. 'to be created by the developer.', 'xml_subs_strict.asp' => 'XMLSubsStrict setting causes XMLSubs to accept only string literals '. 'for arguments, conforming to XML standard more strictly, and '. 'controlling XMLSubs execution to compile time arguments.', 'xslt.xml' => 'XSLT transformation of XML script, using XML::XSLT, and a DBM based cache with the XSLTCache setting. Also possible for the XSLTParser setting is XML::Sablotron for faster XSLT rendering.', ); if($Apache::ASP::ModPerl2) { delete $EG{'ssi_filter.ssi'}; delete $EG{'filter.filter'}; } $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess; # note if you include XMLSubs in the global.asa, make sure to # switch the package context to the XMLSubs namespace to avoid # any odd variable scoping problems package my; sub my::include { my($args, $text) = @_; # reference the $Response object in the package namespace # since we are in the my:: package and not the GlobalPackage/global.asa $main::Response->Include($args->{src}, title => $args->{title}); } sub my::ttb { my($args, $text) = @_; print "$text"; } sub my::table { my($args, $text) = @_; my $title = delete $args->{title}; my %args = ( # set defaults, and override with %$args border => 0, bgcolor => 'white', width => '300', cellpadding => 3, cellspacing => 0, %$args ); print ''; print ($title ? "" : ''); print "\n"; print "
"; print $text; print "
"; }